By Function - For Turntables Silver Groove R Tonearm Cable
Silver Groove R Tonearm Cable
Silver Groove R RCA - RCA Tone arm cable.
Black Rhodium announces the launch of Silver Groove R RCA - RCA tonearm cable.
Silver Groove R RCA - RCA Tone arm cable is designed to be used in high end equipment and will give owners outstanding sound quality to match the performance of their music playing system.
The growing popularity of turntables fitted with RCA phono sockets has increased the demand for RCA connected tone arm cables and Black Rhodium has responded with the new Silver Groove R.
Previously, RCA tone arm cables supplied by Black Rhodium have been designed using the same wires as for the DIN versions, but with RCA connectors substituted for the DIN. But the small size of the DIN connectors restricts the design of the cable size and our latest research indicates that limits performance and sound quality.
The new Silver Groove R RCA - RCA Tone arm cable has been designed from scratch to deliver the very best sound quality without the restriction of the small size of the DIN connector.
Silver Groove R is fitted with the exclusive Graham Nalty GN4 rhodium plated RCA connectors designed to extract the maximum musical information from the connection. The benefit of rhodium plating over gold plating is that it adds an extra element of excitement to the music being played. A special feature of the GN4 is the straight line contact pin for the 'return' connection which Black Rhodium considers from listening to be superior to the standard circumferential connection used on most RCA plugs.
Silver Groove R RCA - RCA Tone arm cable is supplied with an earth connection cable fitted not only with spades at both ends, but also RCA connectors which can be connected to RCA sockets. With the growing popularity of earthing accessories using RCA and other connectors to connect to equipment, we consider this essential at the amplifier end.
At the turntable end the RCA connector permits the opportunity for DIN to RCA adapters to be supplied by a cable without a terminal box
Silver Groove R RCA - RCA Tone arm cable is supplied to a standard length of 1.25m.
UK retail price £1200.00