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By Function - For Turntables Groove Tonearm Cable
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Groove Tonearm Cable

Regular price £660.00

Black Rhodium welcomes the new GROOVE Tone Arm cables to its range.

Both GROOVE DIN and GROOVE RCA cables are designed to extract the maximum of musical information from the grooves of your vinyl recordings.

Both cables have low capacitance of 70pF which makes them very suited to using with magnetic cartridges.

GROOVE DIN connects with the DIN plug at the base of the tone arm on the turntable whilst GROOVE RCA connects with RCA sockets on the outside of the turntable base.

GROOVE DIN is fitted with a rhodium plated DIN socket for improved sound

Both cables owe their heritage to the development work carried out on Black Rhodium’s extreme high-end cable range, but with economies of scale and component price consistent with delivering very high quality of sound at a price affordable for most audiophiles.

Both cables are designed ‘By the Book’ in that they employ the best distortion reducing principles described in Graham Nalty’s book ‘All Audio Cable Obey the Laws of Physics‘.

Both cables are hand built around a cryogenically treated silver-plated copper stranded cable and feature vibration damping to minimise signal distortion due to micro-vibrations within the cable and very good screening.

High quality connectors as used in other Black Rhodium cables are used for product reliability.

Cables are supplied to a length of 1.25 metres. Other lengths can be supplied on request.

Handmade in Britain by Black Rhodium.

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